Winnielle Guilbert’s African Style

Winnielle Guilbert

Model-event producer and entrepreneur Winnielle Guilbert says her African style is royal and sexy but we find something more in this picture. Can you guess what it is?

winielle guilbert iwa
designed by Sonial Noel and Photo credit by Cleve Stridiron


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  1. Well , Africa countries must open their doors to our friends such as Madonna . and Angie ( Namibia) . For these are special friend who have
    openned their lives , to helping the less fortunate / children of the world .
    These children become part of these families ; creating a bond , that puts
    and gives Africa a new place to all . The hope here today is that other
    African countries , will as well line-up their constitution , to make adoptions
    possible . Making sure what happened to Madonna does not happen to
    those real friend again .

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