Cameroonian’s Video Game Gets Hollywood Film Deal

Photo credit Guillaume Olivier Madiba

Started with just $100, unreliable electricity, a computer science degree, and lots of ambition. This Cameroonian University of Yaoundé graduate, Guillaume Olivier Madiba, used the Internet to teach himself how to build Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan. The role-playing game is set in a fantasy-historical Africa. The game is now set to become a Hollywood production.

Good Fear Film company, run by Jake Weiner and Chris Bender, has picked up movie rights to the game. “This is an incredibly unique entry into the fantasy genre. We are as inspired by Madiba as we are in the world that he has created.” Bender and Weiner said in a joint statement.

[bctt tweet=””We have an advantage with our colonial past, in that we can relate to people from different countries. However, we need to find a place in the games industry that will make us the center of gaming world trade.’ – Guillaume Olivier Madiba said to CNN in an interview” username=”africanvibes”]

The Aurion Video Game Synopsis

The game follows the character Enzo Kori-Odan, Prince of Zama. He is scheduled to marry his lifelong love Erine Evou and be King. They become victims of a coup by Ngarba Evou, the prince’s brother-in-law, who exiles them on their wedding and coronation day.  Luckily, Enzo can call on the Aurion, a powerful collective energy channeled from past ancestors. The powers can unlock devastating fighting abilities and combos to help him beat his foes. The royal couple travels through a fantasy world, recruiting allies and fighting to regain their rightful command. Players battle amid thatch roofs, lush green settings, percussive music, and colorfully tribal characters.

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